Obtaining a Distri.js file

How to webpack Distri

Getting a distri.min.js file is very simple. You need npm, node and git, but nothing else for this tutorial.

First off, clone the Distri.js repository to get the files.

git clone https://github.com/Flarp/Distri.js

Now enter the directory you just cloned.

cd Distri.js

Install the modules needed to run everything. (Make sure your Node enviornment is dev, and not production)

npm i

Once this is done, you need to run the bundler to put all the modules into one standalone file.


That’s it! Once that command is finished running, you will have a build directory, with a distri.min.js file, and a distri.min.js.map file. The .js file is the one you will need to have embedded in your webpage to have Distri.

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